
Showing posts from July, 2006

Remove Entries from the Remote Desktop Connection Computer Box

useful article from the MS KB. Someone once asked me how to....

behind the Google curtain

via Slashdot (actually via Slashdot's RSS fead in my Google Reader ...I am such a sellout), interesting article from Baseline magazine on how Google manages it's own IT infrastructure. Awesome stuff. link

Firefox Usage Passes 15 Percent in US

The open source browser commands a 15.82 percent usage share in the United States, and a whopping 39.02 percent in Germany. Australians are also big Firefox users, with the browser holding 24.23 percent of the market down under. read more  |  digg story

How to move SQL Server databases to a new location by using Detach and Attach functions in SQL Server

happiness is being able to move/copy a database even when backup/restore and the Copy Database Wizard (cdw.exe) which is *cough* crap *cough* error out.... Straight from the horses mouth...or in this case, the MS KB. link

shrinking virtual machine disks (VMDK)

This is one of those bookmarks I look for from time to time and, if not for Google, I'd never find... Examples Using the VMware Virtual Disk Manager (bottom half of page) and Shrinking Virtual Disks with VMware Virtual Disk Manager The bottom line seems to be: 1. Power on virtual machine 2. delete temporary files and anything else you don't need 3. defrag from within OS (Win NT 5.0 & > allow "defrag c:") 4. Power down virtual machine 5. defrag from within vmware (either using the GUI, or the command line tool) 6. use vmware disk mount utility, e.g. %programfiles%\vmware\vmware server\vmware-mount n: d:\path\disk.vmdk (where N is an available drive letter) 7. use virtual disk manager to prep same, e.g. %programfiles%\vmware\vmware server\vmware-vdiskmanager -p n: 8. use the disk mount utility to delete the mapping, e.g. %programfiles%\VMware\VMware Server>vmware-mount /d n: 9. shrink by using %bloody-path%\vmware-vdiskmanager -k d:\path\disk.vmdk this s...

cryogenically tempered razor blades

now why didn't I think of this? link

One Hosts file to rule them all

Looking for ad-less surfing? Check out this Hosts file, which should be good to suppress 99% of the popups and other annoying ad-engines. read more  |  digg story

disable system shutdown event tracker

From TechRepublic....ah, the sweet joy of not being irritated when Windows (NT 5.2) needs a reboot. Didn't the marketing dept. say that 2000 would need far fewer reboots? Did the ISV's hear that? Where's my Linux install? link