Make Firefox Look Like Internet Explorer

I know, I know, why would you do this?

What can I say...I like the way I can customize IE. But after getting hit with this stupid WMF vulnerability (the popups are back, by the way, the box is hosed), IE is dead to me.

When running at higher resolutions (XGA & up), it's great to be able to combine toolbars. In IE, you can drag and drop toolbars onto the same level. Turns out in Firefox, you can customize & put all the objects onto one or two toolbars. Beautiful.

You can even get a skin to make Firefox look like IE.

I know, I know.

But it's all about comfort level.

And not getting infected with the next zero-freaking-day-freaking-exploit.

Besides, if you can make Firefox look like IE, then make it the default browser for you end-users....most of them won't know or won't care. There are some exceptions (Exchange 2003's Outlook Web Access is positively beautiful in IE). I'm more/less talking about day-to-day usage.

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