Ignorance is Bliss

I saw this at both Techdirt and Slashdot; and I'm hoping that there are some critical details left out--because otherwise the school district looks profoundly foolish: Apparently an Ohio high school student was arrested, and later released on bail, for organizing fellow students to refresh the school's website using the schools computers, in order to slow down the web server. (Their site is up, even if it is hideous).

Having previously worked in IT in public education for some time, (and grateful as hell to be back in the private sector), this is really disturbing. Lots of people refreshing the schools web site is no more a felony than flushing some or all of the toilets in the building. (Which, by the way, is how you tell whether or not the solution is properly built/configured).

It's a sad day when a student's little prank is taken for felonious activity. These people need to pull their heads out of their asses.

Public Education is broken. Privitize. Vouchers. Magnet schools. Federal funds for private schools. Ban teacher tenure. Merit pay. Require annual recertification. Fire the burnouts. Who cares? FIX IT!

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